Jungfrau peaks. Nestled in these peaks one can find centuries old alpine villages such as
This valley also has a secret that can't be seen from a moving train, passing car, or a drifting paraglider. Trummelback Falls.
As one of the 72 falls in the valley, Trummelback is very unique. The average passerby can't see the falls because they are tucked inside the mountain itself. Acting as the life blood of the mountain, the falls themselves originate from thousands of years of glacial runoff, widdling a path or waterfall through the heart of the mountains and creating a beautiful spectacle that you can't find anywhere else in Europe.
When arriving to see the falls, you have to pay a small fee (10 francs) to get to the trailhead that leads to the falls. A path leads you from the main road, past some tourist junk shops and through a green meadow that allows you to take in the views of the imposing mountains on each side of the valley.
Once at the mouth of the falls, you can choose to take a lift to the top of the falls, or hike the path to the top. Once at the top you can explore the falls from five different look outs along the way. The path leads you deep through a damp caver into the heart of the mountain. From various lookout spots you can witness the raw power of this waterfall ripping through granite rock and through the mountain at a ferocious rate. Also, don't be afraid to get a little wet as the mist bellows from time to time from the cavern as if the mountain were alive and breathing.
Throughout the hike in the cavern, there are many spots where pillars of sunlight seep through the top of the mountain helping to give light to the cave and some amazing colors and rainbows to the waterfall itself. The waterfall is an amazing work of nature and is just one of many natural awe-inspiring sites that this region as well as the whole of Switzerland has to offer.
While traveling through this region, there are gobs of things to do, see, and explore. Seeing these falls is well worth the time and will further enrich your experience and motivate you to further explore this region, the most beautiful of Switzerland.
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