Why do people travel? I have met several people throughout my travel experience who travel for different reasons. Some are like me who want to learn about different cultures and discover the picturesque grandeur found in nature. Others are wanting a vacation from their day to day lives. Others seek to find themselves.
Several months ago I had the opportunity to hike to the St. Bernard's Monastery and stay a few nights
in this centuries old hospice. Nestled at the tops of the alps on the boarder of Italy and Switzerland, this monastery has been helping pilgrims, travelers, and tourists navigate their path through the alps as well as their pathway through life. While spending time there, I was able to truly "meditate" on life and where my path was leading me. Several other travelers were also seeking signs to their own pathway in life. Travel frequently allows you to discover different parts of the world as well as give you a chance to reflect inward on life's great journey.
Travel can be such a gift to so many. Sometimes we don't seem to take advantage of it enough. To me personally, travel is a gift. Eight years ago I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease. I've spend thousands of hours bedridden and under the surgeons scalpel. The experience has truly taught me what a blessing it is to get out and experience the world as much as possible because life can slow you down without warning. I think that is another reason why travel is so inspirational to me.
Inspiring travel has helped so many and continues to uplift us. What does traveling mean to you?
You are a good writer!